U11 - U11G - White Team #1

Game 4: Ramblers vs Summerside 1

Jun. 26 - 2021

Both teams were well matched with the score being 0-0 at half. At the end our Rambler girls broke through Summerside's offence to cement a 4-2 win. It was a very well played game by both teams and afterwards Summerside gave us a big cheer and yelled thank you. As I said to the girls, that right there is good sportsmanship, win or lose, to thank the other team for a good game with big smiles is the kind of team I respect and love to play. We are all there to play hard and have fun.  

Bridget & Sydney played goalie for a half and had a lot of action in nets. I couldn't have counted how many times they stopped the ball and kicked it back out to their defence. While playing out, they worked hard on defence and in the forwards. Bridget & Sydney both play with their hearts and when they have the space to run with the ball they run, and when they need to pass, they always make an excellent one. Seems simple, but in reality it isn't always! Superb job girls!

Molly, Sienna & Riley showed their fitness skills in this game. The game went back and forth and up and down the field so many times these girls were doing suicides with a ball. They never gave up and they played as a team passing amongst their teammates. Molly had another dance recital and still drove up to Summerside to play until 11am with her team. Thank you for your commitment! Sienna never hesitates. She is aggressive on the ball and almost always wins her 1v1. Sienna you know how to run with the ball, I want to see you run with your head up so you can see the opposition running towards you, then decide to push the ball to the right or left of the opposition and sprint after the ball or to pass to a teammate. Riley had some very key passes in this game to move the ball up the field and spent some time as a defender under much pressure. Excellent work ladies!

Scarlett & Gray played mid-forward passing the ball up to striker or out the side to the wings. Mid-forward is the cog that keeps the team moving up and plays a huge supporting roll in the game. A strong mid-forward can change the tide of a game. These girls did a great job and their passing improves at every touch on the ball. Both Gray & Scarlett have big kicks on them when needed. I want to see more aggression on the ball. Be the first to the ball when it's out there, SPRINT! Well done girls!

Leila broke the 0-0 score as striker lifting the teams drive up a notch followed by Addison getting a hatrick! Which means three goals in a game. Both these girls are leaders on and off the field. They always have positive and kind things to say about their teammates before, halftime & after the game. Addison said "I only scored because my teammates did all the work getting it up the field and passed it." This is true, it takes a team to score, and it also takes a skilled striker such as you & Leila to get the ball past the defenders to take that shot. Keep it up girls!

Sutton is a strong defensive player. Not many players can get by her and if they do it's seconds before Sutton has run them down to steal the ball and pass it up. Sutton continues to become a stronger player each game. When on defence, try turning out, towards the side of the field to pass up to your wing, as opposed to turning in towards the middle of the field where the opposition is usually heavy.

Arya was awarded MVP for her tenacious playing. She does not give up her quest to get to the ball first and run with it. She is persistent and determined and not easy to catch once she's in flight with the ball. Arya plays the game at full throttle in sprints, bringing ferocious joy to the game. Arya, remember when you pass to the striker to continue to run towards the net. The striker needs both left and right wings with her ready for a pass if she cannot make the shot. Often enough a shot will rebound off the goalie or a defender and the left & right forwards need to both be there on the sides to take a second shot. Same with the striker and mid forward, follow the ball all the way to the net.

Wonderful game everyone. I enjoy every moment watching you play and feel pride at the improvement I see in all of you, not just in games but at practices too. Practices are important for learning and every time you practice you improve. 

"If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat." ~ Herschel Walker

Emily & Stefanie


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