Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the Eliot River Ramblers Soccer Club a Non-Profit?

Yes, we're a registered non-profit, none of the executive, or board members are paid. The club constitution explicitly forbids paying the executives. This does not prevent paying other staff such as coaches, coordinators, admin or field maintenance.

Do we pay our coaches?

None of our youth coaches are paid; to keep costs lower for our players, we have not taken this direction.

Do we offer courses for coaches / referees?

Coaching and referee courses are available independently and through PEI Soccer, in person and online. The club will reimburse for courses and certifications (with some limits) once completed.

Is the club making a profit from the player fees?

The club doesn't turn a profit. Club financials, reports and AGM minutes are available to paid members on written request.

Are there vacancies in the executive / who runs the club?

The club executive currently consists of a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer, Youth Coordinator, and a Secretary. There are always vacancies arising in both the board and coordinator positions, please contact rcunited.executive@gmail.com if you are interested or would like more information.

Does it take much time to run the club?

Yes, it takes a significant amount of time to administer the club. When there is a full board and appropriate coordinators, the tasks are much less time consuming as it is spread between personals.

When is the club AGM / election of executives?

Our club AGM and elections are in February. An announcement is sent out a minimum of 7 days prior, via the club website, email to all registered members, the club Facebook page and Website.

The AGM is open to the public but only members who have paid in full that year may vote on motions and elections. The club's year runs April 1st to March 31st.

Are the club Constitution and Bylaws available online?

Yes, please see the Club Information > About Us page.

Do the U9 teams play in a league?

Yes, however this isn't guaranteed from one year to the next.

The U9 league is a new program introduced by Sherwood in approx 2019. It's run by volunteers, not PEI Soccer, which is why we don't get the game schedule until a few days before. 2021 is the first year the North Shore was invited to join - previously it only included clubs in Charlottetown (Sherwood, Winsloe and sometimes Stratford.) Clubs outside the central PEI area aren't included at this point and don't have this opportunity.


Where can I register?
I need a family discount code.
Please email rcunited.executive@gmail.com all the players names in your family, their age group and club.
 Same team requests.
Please email rcunited.executive@gmail.com both players that would like to be on the same team, age division, and club.
U13-U18 Tryouts.
You can sign up for the U13-U18 premier tryouts. You MUST be registered for both the summer season and the tryout sessions to be eligible to tryout.
First division tryouts will be posted during or after premier tryouts are completed.

How can I volunteer as a coach?
 What requirements do I require for Coaching?
Feedback Form

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